The CBD Industry is misinforming YOU. | Must read!

The CBD Industry is misinforming YOU. | Must read!

Published by Craig Lebeau & Joshuah Joseph on Mar 2nd 2020

      Psychoactivity and CBD

        I hear it in private conversations, public conversations, on the internet and TV.

        “It’s OK for us to enjoy the benefits of CBD because it is does not get you high like THC”.

        “It is not psychoactive so there is no issue.”

        These comments are rampant and shows the bad education we are receiving around cannabis. CBD IS psychoactive just like coffee, sugar and other many products we legally use and consume everyday!

        To dive further into this we need to know what it means for a chemical compound to be "psychoactive."

        What does psychoactive ACTUALLY mean?




        adjective: psychoactive

        (chiefly of a drug) affecting the mind.

        Now that we have the definition we can look at the many claims consumers and companies have been making about the great benefits of CBD.

        All of these claims obviously fall under the umbrella of psychoactive based off that definition. So why do people insist that CBD is NON-Psychoactive??? The answer is two fold. The first is simple ignorance. People are not educated and aware that psychoactivity is not just the "euphoria" and getting "high" that is associated with THC. The second reason is to calm consumers fears around the cannabis industry. Ever since Harry J. Anslinger demonized cannabis, we as a nation are still dealing with the aftermath. This creates fear and consumer fear in any market will literally cripple it. Therefore, whoever is atop of the industry will spread misinformation to retain our business.

      We don't believe in this tactic.

      We believe and assume that YOU, the consumer, are intelligent and deserves to know the truth about any products that you put into your body. And that includes this truth:

      "CBD IS Psychoactive"

      And there is nothing wrong with that! In fact many of the benefits of CBD are due to its psychoactive properties. What CBD does not do is cause the same kind of psychoactivity that THC is known for.

      THC produces a "High" that has specific effects (Euphoria, increased heart rate, changed mindset/thinking, performance enhancement, paranoia, hunger, etc.) that CBD alone will not do.

      As always education is key!

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